How to Upgrade Armor in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt?

How to Upgrade Armor in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt?


"The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" is a sprawling, immersive RPG that offers players a vast world filled with monsters, magic, and mysteries. One of the critical aspects of Geralt of Rivia's journey through this world is ensuring he is well-equipped for the challenges he faces. Upgrading armor is an essential part of this, providing increased protection and often unique bonuses that can significantly enhance gameplay. This guide will walk you through the process of upgrading armor in "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt."

Understanding Armor Types and Tiers

In "The Witcher 3," armor comes in various types and tiers. The primary types include light, medium, and heavy armor, each with distinct advantages:

  • Light Armor: Enhances stamina regeneration and is ideal for fast, agile combat styles.
  • Medium Armor: Balances defense and stamina regeneration, suitable for a versatile combat approach.
  • Heavy Armor: Provides the highest defense but at the cost of stamina regeneration, best for tanky, resilient builds.

Each armor type is available in different quality tiers: common, mastercrafted, and legendary. Higher-tier armor provides better stats and additional bonuses.

Finding and Crafting Armor

To upgrade armor, you first need to find or craft it. Here’s how:

Finding Armor

  • Looting: Explore the world and loot chests, defeated enemies, and abandoned structures. You can often find valuable armor pieces this way.
  • Merchants: Visit blacksmiths and armorers. They sell various armor pieces and sometimes entire sets.
  • Quests and Contracts: Complete specific quests and contracts that reward you with unique armor sets.

Crafting Armor

  • Blueprints: Obtain blueprints (also known as diagrams) for the desired armor. These can be found in chests, bought from merchants, or earned as quest rewards.
  • Materials: Gather necessary materials. These include metals, leather, and monster parts, which can be looted, harvested, or bought.
  • Craftsmen: Visit a skilled craftsman (blacksmith or armorer) who has the required level to craft the armor. Different levels of armor (e.g., mastercrafted) require more skilled craftsmen.

Upgrading Armor

Upgrading armor in "The Witcher 3" involves enhancing existing pieces to increase their effectiveness. This process is usually associated with Witcher gear sets, such as the Griffin, Cat, Bear, and Wolf sets.

Steps to Upgrade Witcher Gear

  • Find Upgrade Diagrams: Each Witcher gear set has several upgrade levels (Enhanced, Superior, Mastercrafted, and Grandmaster). You need to find the specific diagrams for each upgrade level. These are often hidden in the game world and marked by scavenger hunt quests.
  • Gather Materials: Each upgrade requires specific materials. Make sure to collect or buy these materials in advance.
  • Visit a Craftsman: Take the diagrams and materials to a qualified armorer or blacksmith. Higher-tier upgrades require more skilled craftsmen.
  • Craft the Upgrade: Pay the required fee and have the craftsman upgrade your gear.

Tips for Efficient Upgrading

  • Explore Thoroughly: Many upgrade diagrams are hidden in remote or hard-to-reach locations. Thorough exploration is rewarded.
  • Plan Ahead: Keep track of the materials needed for future upgrades and start collecting them early.
  • Enhance with Glyphs and Runes: Upgrade your armor further by inserting glyphs and runes, which provide additional bonuses such as increased resistance or improved combat abilities.

Enhancing Armor with Glyphs and Runes

In addition to upgrading armor through crafting, you can further enhance your gear with glyphs (for armor) and runes (for weapons). These items can be found throughout the game world and provide various bonuses.

  • Glyphs: Insert these into armor slots to improve resistances (e.g., resistance to burning, bleeding).
  • Runes: Attach these to weapons to enhance damage or add effects (e.g., poisoning, bleeding).


Upgrading armor in "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt" is a multifaceted process that significantly impacts your effectiveness in combat. By understanding the types and tiers of armor, finding or crafting the best pieces, and methodically upgrading your gear, you can ensure Geralt is always prepared for whatever challenges come his way. Remember to explore thoroughly, plan your upgrades, and use glyphs and runes to maximize your combat potential. With the right preparation, you'll be well-equipped to tackle the Wild Hunt and any other foes that cross your path.
