Complete Guide to Classes in Baldur's Gate 3: Best Choices and Strategies

Complete Guide to Classes in Baldur's Gate 3: Best Choices and Strategies


Complete Guide to Classes in Baldur's Gate 3: Best Choices and Strategies

Baldur's Gate 3, developed by Larian Studios, is a role-playing game set in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is the variety of classes players can choose from, each offering unique abilities, playstyles, and tactical opportunities. In this guide, we'll explore the available classes, their strengths, and tips for maximizing their potential.


The Fighter class is a versatile and robust option, ideal for players who enjoy direct combat. Fighters excel in melee combat, with access to a wide range of weapons and armor. They can also specialize in different combat styles, such as dual-wielding, using a shield, or focusing on ranged weapons.


  • High durability and survivability
  • Versatile combat options
  • Access to powerful combat feats


  • Equip heavy armor and a shield for a tank role
  • Utilize multi-attack abilities to maximize damage output


Wizards are masters of arcane magic, capable of casting powerful spells to damage enemies, control the battlefield, or support allies. They rely on their intelligence to cast spells and have access to a vast spellbook.


  • Wide range of spells for different situations
  • High damage output with offensive spells
  • Versatile utility spells


  • Prioritize spells that control the battlefield, such as crowd control and area-of-effect damage
  • Keep a safe distance from enemies and use defensive spells to protect yourself


Rogues are experts in stealth, deception, and precision attacks. They excel at dealing high burst damage, especially when they can attack from the shadows. Rogues also have proficiency in various skills, making them valuable for exploration and solving puzzles.


  • High single-target damage with sneak attacks
  • Excellent mobility and stealth capabilities
  • Versatility in skill usage


  • Use stealth to position yourself for sneak attacks
  • Focus on agility and dexterity to enhance your combat effectiveness


Clerics are divine spellcasters who can heal allies, support the party, and wield powerful divine magic against enemies. They can choose a deity to follow, which grants them additional powers and spells.


  • Strong healing and support abilities
  • Access to both offensive and defensive spells
  • Ability to wear medium to heavy armor


  • Balance healing and offensive spellcasting to support your team effectively
  • Choose a deity that complements your playstyle and party composition


Rangers are skilled hunters and trackers, proficient in both ranged and melee combat. They have a deep connection with nature, allowing them to summon animal companions and cast nature-based spells.


  • Proficient in ranged combat and archery
  • Ability to summon animal companions for additional support
  • Versatile combat skills with both ranged and melee weapons


  • Utilize your ranged attacks to damage enemies from a distance
  • Summon animal companions to assist in combat and provide tactical advantages


Warlocks derive their magical powers from a pact with a supernatural entity. They have a unique spellcasting mechanic and access to powerful Eldritch invocations, which provide various benefits and abilities.


  • Strong and versatile spellcasting abilities
  • Access to unique Eldritch invocations
  • Ability to regain spell slots after short rests


  • Choose invocations that complement your preferred playstyle
  • Use your spells strategically, taking advantage of their versatility


Choosing the right class in Baldur's Gate 3 can significantly impact your gameplay experience. Each class offers unique strengths and strategies, allowing players to tailor their characters to their preferred playstyle. Whether you prefer the brute strength of a Fighter, the magical prowess of a Wizard, or the stealthy tactics of a Rogue, Baldur's Gate 3 provides a rich and diverse range of options to explore and master. Happy adventuring!

Baldur's Gate 3
